Tethered Music
Followings are playlists with songs we are considering for the movie. If you are inspired by any of these songs, feel free to play with them in your edits. I still have a number of lists to add.
London Bound// 19 tracks, 75 mb, 2010 ( download )
Nero gave me this mix before I parted to London. This list of songs intertwined with my first semester at King’s College: dancing, drinking, and conversing. I am strongly leaning to using “Surfin On a Rocket” (track 2) in the movie.
- London Bound > track list
- 01: Draper Reads Ohara, Mad Men
02: Surfin On a Rocket, AIR
03: Are Friends Electric
04: Loves Easy Tears
05: Take Me Im Yours
06: Where Are My Panties
07: Ive Done It Again
08: The Killing Moon
09: All The Young Dudes
10: fantastic level
11: London
12: BadnRuin
13: SOS
14: Jump Into The Fire
15: A Salty Salute
16: How Many More Year
17: American Bullshit
18: Real American
- 01: Draper Reads Ohara, Mad Men
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/02 Surfin On a Rocket.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/03 Are Friends Electric.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/04 Loves Easy Tears.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/05 Take Me Im Yours.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/06 Where Are My Panties.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/07 Ive Done It Again.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/08 The Killing Moon.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/09 All The Young Dudes.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/10 fantastic level.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/11 London.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/12 BadnRuin.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/13 SOS.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/14 Jump Into The Fire.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/15 A Salty Salute.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/16 How Many More Years.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/17 American Bullshit.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/london-bound/18 Real American.mp3|titles=Draper Reads Ohara,Surfin On a Rocket,Are Friends Electric,Loves Easy Tears,Take Me I’m Yours,Where Are My Panties?,I’ve Done It Again,The Killing Moon,All The Young Dudes,Fantastic Level,London,Bad’n’Ruin,SOS,Jump Into The Fire,A Salty Salute,How Many More Years,American Bullshit,Real American]
Tethered Duos
// 12 tracks, 62 mb, 2012 (download)
Nero suggested that we use similar songs by various artists in different ways. For example, perhaps—as two characters chat in a café—”In Crowd” by Ramsey Lewis Trio (Track 1) plays in the background. Then later, the same song covered by Bryan Ferry (Track 2) plays in a new context…maybe in Etienne’s dream or during another pivotal scene. The idea is to use different artists from different places and times to make greater meanings.
- Tethered Duos > track list
- 01: In Crowd, Ramsey Lewis Trio
02: The in crowd, Bryan Ferry
03: Sherlock Holmes, The Dirtbombs
04: Sherlock Holmes, Sparks
05: Fever, “Little” Willie John
06: Tomour, Lizzy Mercier Descloux
07: Lovelight Shines, Diana Ross & The Supremes
08: Lovelight Shines, Dusty Springfield
09: Wang Dang Doodle, Howlin’ Wolf
10: Wang Dang Doodle, PJ Harvey
11: Cry Me A River, Sam Cooke
12: Cry Me A River, Claudine Longet
- 01: In Crowd, Ramsey Lewis Trio
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/02 The In Crowd-Ferry.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/03 Sherlock Holmes-Dirtbombs.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/04 Sherlock Holmes-Sparks.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/05 Fever-John.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/06 Tumour Fever-Descloux.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/07 When The Lovelight Starts-Ross.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/08 Lovelight Shines-Springfield.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/09 Wang Dang Doodle-Wolf.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/10 Wang Dang Doodle-Harvey.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/11 Cry Me A River-Cooke.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/duos/12 Cry Me a River-Longet.mp3,
|titles=In Crowd – Ramsey Lewis Trio,The in crowd – Bryan Ferry,Sherlock Holmes – The Dirtbombs,Sherlock Holmes – Sparks,Fever – Little Willie John,Tunmour (Fever) – Lizzy Mercier Descloux,When The Lovelight Starts Shining Through His Eyes – Diana Ross & The Supremes,Lovelight Shines – Dusty Springfield,Wang Dang Doodle – Howlin’ Wolf,Wang Dang Doodle – PJ Harvey ,Cry Me a River – Sam Cooke,Cry Me a River – Claudine Longet]
Nero’s Suggestions
// 8 tracks, 21 mb, 2012 (download)
Following are a collection of songs Nero also suggested for the movie. Again, these songs may either be played in the background—at clubs, pubs, or cafés—or in Etienne’s dream world.
- Nero’s Suggestion > track list
- 01: The Killing Moon, Echo & the Bunnymen
02: The Bitterest Pill, The Jam
03: Down To You, Joni Mitchell
04: The Windmills Of Your Mind, Dusty Springfield
05: People’s Parties, Joni Mitchell
06: Last Train To London, Electric Light Orchestra
07: Helen Of Troy, John Cale
08: Delius, Kate Bush
- 01: The Killing Moon, Echo & the Bunnymen
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/nero-tethered-songs/02 The Bitterest Pill-Jam.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/nero-tethered-songs/03 Down To You-Mitchell.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/nero-tethered-songs/04 The Windmills Of Your Mind-Springfield.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/nero-tethered-songs/05 People’s Parties-Mitchell.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/nero-tethered-songs/06 Last Train To London-Electric.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/nero-tethered-songs/07 Helen Of Troy-Cale.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/nero-tethered-songs/08 Delius-Bush.mp3,
|titles=The Killing Moon – Echo and the Bunnymen,The Bitterest Pill – The Jam,Down to You – Joni Mitchell,The Windmills of Your Mind – Dusty Springfield,People’s Parties – Joni Mitchell,Last Train to London – Electric Light Orchestra,Helen of Troy – John Cale,Delius – Kate Bush]
Parting London// 5 tracks, 19.8 mb, 2012 (download)
This is a list of songs that I came across while reviewing the story in Monrovia (Los Angeles). Ironically, while in Monrovia, a parted a small bar called London. This lead me to a bar called Sena’s and then Nikki C’s…and these sounds emerged. This list first started after hearing Erik Satie’s Six Gnossiennes, track 4. This tone could be something special, as was Satie to la culture française.
- Parting London > track list
- 01: Want to Fly, Philip Glass
02: Sydamestani rakastan – My Whole Heart, Sibelius
03: Berceuse, Samaltanos
04: Six Gnossiennes – Lint No. 1, Satie
05: Arlanda, Julie Kent
- 01: Want to Fly, Philip Glass
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/classical/02 My Hold Heart-Sibelius.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/classical/03 Samaltanos-Berceuse.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/classical/04 Six Gnossiennes-Satie.mp3,
https://centrifugal.me/media/music/tethered/classical/05 Arlanda-Kent.mp3,
|titles=Want to Fly – Philip Glass,Sydamestani rakastan – My Whole Heart – Sibelius,Berceuse – Samaltanos,Six Gnossiennes Lint No. 1 – Satie,Arlanda – Julie Kent]
Nero, just wanted to pass on a special thanks for putting these together.
Going to spend the day listening to these… thanks for putting these together!
RE: London Bound
Love this mix. Reminds me of my time in London as well and growing up. I’ve actually seen most of these artists live already and some of them are some of my favorite music of all time. Good job.
AIR has a ton of songs that are very cinematic in nature. Definitely look at some of their other stuff if you haven’t yet.
Yeah, listening to London Bound brings me right back. I think one of the biggest challenges regarding AIR, as Nero mentioned, would be licensing. Regardless, I had so many ideas while listening to “Surfing on a Rocket.” There is a company near the SFFS that handles licensing. I will have to talk to them at some point.
I also realized that I may have deleted a list when I created the new pages. It was some stuff that I was listening to while in LA. I will look into adding it soon.
I love everything I heard here. Everything is really powerful and beautiful. That’s all I have to share about sound.